22 September, 2010

Photo of Jasmine Villegas: The Girl Who Kisses Justin Bieber Sometimes

May not have heard of Jasmine Villegas before, but you will definitely know her name now that she was caught making out with Justin Bieber. Sorry, Kim Kardashian! They look like Justin found the same age.

Villegas did not know and Biebs for a period of time - it's already a star in his video "Baby" as the girl who stole the bowling his heart, but in recent times, it was in the opening round in the law. Z pair caught hugging in the back of the car, which is just adorable so we can not deal with it - it seems they are trying to get a crash course in Qom by the mother while working in a store or something. (In fact - hilariously - It seems that the handler / driver in the car with them at all times be confusing.)


The return of March, discussed Villegas what it's like being the object of affection Pepper in the video, saying "there are a lot of girls like 'Stay away from my man!' And 'It's mine!" But also denied that any real napkin panky was going on, saying they just " Friends really cool. " They seem so cool, they need to help each other warm and we are now! Here's hoping Villegas does not find itself in the midst of the storm, such as an ignorant Kardashian and many others. Good luck, you crazy kids .............