25 June, 2010

CBS News Bristol Palin Makes Acting Debut To Less Than Stellar Results‎

The failure of Bristol Palin, daughter of Vice President and former Republican governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, which has for the first time at the drama ABC News The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Was not significant.

Bristol to play my mother in the teen on the show, which focuses on family life experiences dealing with their daughter, child-rearing and the mother at the age of adolescence. Well, at least this subject is not far-fetched. Bristol was 17 and unmarried when she became pregnant for her son, Tripp, and then with her boyfriend Levi Johnston. This came shortly after the media and appointed her mother vice presidential candidate for the presidency by the Republican Party presidential candidate Senator John McCain.

Since then, Bristol Palin used her celebrity teen pregnancy to a lucrative career as a spokesman for several programs, teen pregnancy, including a contract with the Foundation to Candie. Bristol had also occur many vehicles, making anywhere between 15,000 dollars to 30,000 dollars for the discussion of teen pregnancy.

However, it did not succeed in one thing at Bristol show any kind of range and emotional at work. In fact, I saw the window display of mannequins show more facial expressions of Bristol managed in the clip above. I know it is not represented per se, but it's certainly picked up some tips on sailing and falsification It's like her mother. Because if there is one thing Palin family is good at, it is pretending to be something they do not.

Only in America can be nicely to a reward for failing so completely to life.