26 April, 2010

Zoe Saldana tells co-star,Warn before stripping

Hollywood actress Zoe Saldana was stunned when co-star James Marsden stripped without warning while filming the new movie “Death at a Funeral”.

“The funniest thing that James did wasn’t so funny. He’s supposed to be naked on the rooftop and I open the window and go, ‘What are you doing, come back inside?’ He didn’t give me any warning that he had taken off his pants. So I just opened the window and saw a lot more of him than I was expecting, and I’m just trying not to look below his eyes,” femalefirst.co.uk quoted her as saying.

“Afterwards, I yelled at him, ‘Warn me if you ever do that again or I’m going to punch you.’ And he’s like, But you were such a lady. You never looked down,” she added.

Hollywood actress Zoe Saldana was stunned when co-star James Marsden stripped without warning while filming the new movie “Death at a Funeral”.

“The funniest thing that James did wasn’t so funny. He’s supposed to be naked on the rooftop and I open the window and go, ‘What are you doing, come back inside?’ He didn’t give me any warning that he had taken off his pants. So I just opened the window and saw a lot more of him than I was expecting, and I’m just trying not to look below his eyes,” femalefirst.co.uk quoted her as saying.

“Afterwards, I yelled at him, ‘Warn me if you ever do that again or I’m going to punch you.’ And he’s like, But you were such a lady. You never looked down,” she added.